10 Weird Plant Names You Didn’t Know
The world is full of peculiar wonders. Among them, certain plants bear exquisite and fragrant flowers, while others yield nourishing fruits or possess medicinal properties. Then there are those that are simply bizarre in their appearance and name. Here are the list of 10 weird plant names:
Mother In Law’s Tongue
Dracaena trifasciata is commonly known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” due to the pointed shape and texture of its leaves, which resemble a sharp tongue. The name is often used humorously and is not meant to be taken literally or to convey any negative connotations towards mothers-in-law or their tongues. Rather, it is a colloquial name that has been given to this plant based on the appearance of its leaves. The term “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” is also used to refer to the sharp and upward-growing evergreen leaves of the Snake Plant, which resemble a pointed tongue or the sharpness of a mother-in-law’s tongue.

Naked Man Orchid
Orchis italica is commonly known as Naked man Orchid, is a species native to Mediterranean region. This orchid gets its name from the shape of its pink or purple flowers, which resemble a naked man. The flowers have a central, erect column that resembles a torso, with two arms or petals extending upward like outstretched arms. Two other petals or legs extend downward, resembling legs or trousers. The overall appearance of the flower is said to resemble a naked man standing upright, hence the name “Naked Man Orchid”.

Paddle Plant
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora is commonly known as the paddle plant because of the shape of its leaves. The leaves of this plant are very thick and flat, resembling the shape of a paddle or a clamshell. This flowering plant is native to South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho.

Old Man Cactus
Cephalocereus senilis is named after its distinctive appearance, which resembles the white, flowing beard of an old man, hence the name “Old Man Cactus”. The cactus is native to Mexico and is a popular ornamental plant in many parts of the world due to its unique and eye-catching appearance.

Mother in Law’s Cushion
Golden barrel is sometime referred as Mother in Law’s Cushion due to its rounded, spiny shape, which resembles a cushion or pillow. This colloquial name is often used humorously and is not meant to be taken literally or to imply anything negative about mothers-in-law or cushions.

Jack in the Pulpit
Arisaema triphyllum, commonly known as Jack in the Pulpit, is a plant that is native to eastern North America. It’s named “Jack in the Pulpit” because of the shape of its inflorescence, which resembles a preacher (Jack) standing in a pulpit.

Monkey Orchid
Dracula simia is called the Monkey Orchid due to its flowers’ unique appearance, which bears a resemblance to the face of a monkey. The Monkey Orchid produces a single flower on a long stem that typically blooms in the spring or early summer. The flower has two large, drooping petals that resemble the monkey’s ears, and a third, smaller petal that resembles the monkey’s nose and mouth. The orchid is native to the cloud forests of southeastern Ecuador and Peru.
Bat Plant
Tacca chantrieri is known as Bat Plant. The flowers of the Bat Plant have long, drooping filaments that resemble bat wings, with a central “bat face” that has long whiskers resembling a bat’s legs. The flowers are usually dark purple or black in color, which further enhances their resemblance to a bat. The plant’s dark, broad leaves also contribute to its unique appearance.

Achillea ptarmica, commonly known as Sneezewort, is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia. The plant has a long history of use in traditional medicine, and its leaves and flowers were once used to make snuff, which was inhaled to induce sneezing. Achillea ptarmica is an interesting plant with a rich history of medicinal and cultural uses, and its unique name reflects its association with the practice of sneezing induced by the use of snuff.

Kangaroo Paws
Anigozanthos flavidus is commonly called Kangaroo paw due to its striking flowers that resemble the paw of a kangaroo. The flowers of Anigozanthos flavidus have long, tubular, brightly colored petals that are covered in fine hairs, and when they bloom, they have a unique shape that resembles the paw of a kangaroo. Hence named as “Kangaroo Paws”.

In Conclusion, these 10 weird plant names spark interest and curiosity in the natural world, encouraging people to learn more about the plants that surround them. Whether it’s the Kangaroo Paws or the Naked Man Orchid, these peculiarly named plants remind us that the natural world is full of surprises and wonders, waiting to be discovered and appreciated.
Enjoy Planting!!
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