11 Indoor Plants for Fortune and Good Luck
Plants balances and optimizes the elements in a house to create an auspicious, positive, free flow of energy throughout the space. It also helps to attracts good fortune in the house and office spaces. Different plants brings different energies and fortune in home. Here are the list of indoor plants for fortune and good luck.
Money Tree

Money Tree Plant is also known as Pachira aquatica, has soft, fluttery, ovate, sturdy, brown leaves. Money Tree signifies good luck, abundance and prosperity. This plant has five leaves on a stalk and each leaf signifies the five elements i.e. water, wood, fire, metal and earth. Another significance is it is believed that it brings happiness, strength, richness, and power. Also, it blesses you with more good fortune if loved and cared properly.
Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant also known as Rubber Fig or Ficus elastica is one of the best air purifiers indoor plant. It has large, thick, glossy, and sturdy leaves. It signifies good fortune, abundance, and wealth. This is one of the popular indoor plant which brings good luck and prosperity. It is said to have a positive impact on the energy of the home and to help attract wealth and abundance. The rubber plant is often considered to be a plant of abundance and placed in the wealth corner of the home. It is believed that the round leaves of the rubber plant represent money and hence, the plant itself is a symbol of good fortune.
Holy Basil

Holy Basil is one of the most powerful and a sacred plant that brings good luck and positivity in a home. It is a symbol of fidelity and helps in attaining spiritual enlightenment. It infuses everyone with its positive energy, anointing with lightness, clarity and warmth. Planting this plant brings wealth, prosperity and good luck in the family.
Jade Plant

Jade Plant is a succulent and a good plant to attract wealth. Its presence is considered auspicious in the house and offices. It has vibrant green leaves that are symbolic of growth and renewal and also a symbolic of wealth and prosperity. It reflects vibrant well well rooted positive energy.

Lavender attracts good fortune and protects from negative energy. It calms emotions and strengthens health. The pleasing fragrances of lavender enhances the vibe of the surrounding. Likewise, it brings peaceful in the surrounding.
Peace Lily

Peace Lily is one of the indoor plants that brings good luck, harmony and good fortune in the home and offices. It symbolizes peace, good fortune and abundance. This plant is also known as indoor air purifiers.
Golden Pothos

This popular indoor plant represent dedication and a relentless attitude to chase one’s dream. It symbolizes perseverance, longing, good fortune, as well as wealth. It is also great for someone who continually follows their dream. Try hanging a golden pothos plant to symbolize reaching new heights and it also acts as a shield against negative energies.
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is one of the indoor plants which brings fortune, good luck and prosperity to a place where it is grown. Lucky Bamboo also enhances the flow of positive energy in the surrounding. It symbolizes good fortune and also attracts positive energy when placed in the right direction. When kept in east directions, this indoor plant attracts good health for the family but attracts money and wealth when kept in south east directions.
Pitcher Plant

The Pitcher plant has gained popularity thanks to its unique modified leaves that take the form of pitchers. These pitchers bear a striking resemblance to bags, which are believed to bring wealth and happiness for an extended period. According to popular belief, the greater the number of pitchers a plant possesses, the higher the probability of accumulating good fortune and luck. The Pitcher plant is considered an auspicious and lucky addition to any household, as it is said to especially bring long-term wealth.
With its distinctive appearance, the plant is also known as Monkey Cups and is particularly popular during Lunar New Year celebrations due to its resemblance to money bags. Some species of the plant even feature red pitchers, which is considered an auspicious color during the festive season. Beyond its symbolism, the Pitcher plant is also used as a decorative element in homes, as it is believed to attract positive energies and promote prosperity.
Desert Rose

The Desert Rose is also known as Adenium, is considered an auspicious plant in some cultures and can be seen as a “fortune plant”. The Desert Rose is often believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and positive energy to a home or office. The plant is appreciated for its attractive appearance, vibrant colors, and ability to thrive in harsh environments, which is also seen as a symbol of strength and resilience. Some people also believe that this plant can attract love, happiness, and success when placed in specific areas of the home or office. While the concept of a “fortune plant” may vary depending on cultural beliefs, it can hold significant symbolism as well as positive associations for some individuals.
White Narcissus

It is also known as Paperwhites, is a popular flower that is associated with good luck and fortune. Paperwhites are often used during the Lunar New Year celebration as they are believed to bring prosperity and success in the coming year. The flowers are appreciated for their delicate beauty, sweet fragrance, and easy cultivation, which is seen as a sign of good luck and abundance. In addition, some people believe that Paperwhites can help to purify the air and create a positive energy flow in the home, which is beneficial for overall well-being. Similarly, this plant can hold significant symbolism and positive associations for some individuals.
In Conclusion, Plants clears negative energy and purifies the environment. Greenery attracts positivity and calms the mind. Lets make our surrounding green. These indoor plants bring fortune and good luck.
Enjoy Planting!!