Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants

Most people are aware that many indoor plants produce oxygen during day but there are many indoor plants that produce oxygen at night as well. There are many plants that helps to purify the air quality of the room which are very easy to maintain. Many indoor plants also helps in improving your mental health and make you feel peaceful. Here are the list of 6 Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants that purify the air quality.

6 Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants

1. Snake Plant

Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants
Snake Plant

A snake plant known as Sansevieria trifasciata is recognized by its evergreen sword shaped leaves which grows upright.

Snake plants are symbolized as good luck, purity and positivity. They are very effective at cleaning the air, removing toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and nitrogen oxides. It also releases oxygen at night. It helps fight allergies and sick building syndrome as it releases moisture in the air and lessens airborne allergens.

2. Spider Plant

Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants
spider plant

Spider plant also called ribbon plant ( Botanical name: Chlorophytum comosum) of the asparagus family is widely used as tropical and indoor or household plants. It is native to tropical and southern Africa. It has long, narrow, green leaves with white flower clusters.

It is one of the easiest plants to care for and also one of the moderately fast-growing plants that can be planted at any time as long as they are not exposed to frost. The spider plant is so named because of its spider-like plants, or spiderettes, which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web. It has long, narrow leaves growing in rosettes that drape over the edge of the pot and produce plantlets that can be rooted.

It is effective in removing carbon monoxide and xylene from the air. It is a magnificent plant for oxygen and also helps in anxiety and stress management.

Read Also: Spider Plant: Meaning, Care, Propagation and Health Benefits

3. Pothos

Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants
Golden Pothos

Pothos, also called as Epipremnum aureum is often the first of many plants that plant parents welcome into the home. It is perfect for plants lovers for attractive greenery with simple care steps. It is an evergreen hardy indoor foliage plant with a thick, waxy, green, heart shaped leaves with splashes of yellow. Pothos is the plant of the arum family native to Southeastern Asia and is commonly grown as a hanging plant.

Pothos can climb by means of aerial roots, and wild or cultivated plants grown outdoors can reach enormous heights up to 10 feet using tall trees as support. This plant is one of the fastest growing vines which has an abundance of identifiable variations, flexible lighting needs and collectible charm.

This plant removes harmful chemicals from the air. It is also one of the largest consumer of carbon dioxide and largest producers of oxygen. It emits toxins like formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide. It is an admirable indoor plant which releases oxygen at night.

Read: Golden Pothos Plant: Meaning, Care and Propagation

4. Aloe Vera

Most Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants
Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, a perennial succulent is often known as the wonder plant as it has many medical benefits. It is also a herb. Many compounds found in aloe vera are anti bacterial, antiseptic and antiviral.

Aloe Vera releases oxygen twenty four hours a day and the gel found in it is a natural rooting hormone. Aloe vera has the purifying abilities and often used as natural air freshener. It removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air.

5. Areca Palm

Arica Palm
Areca Palm

Areca Palm also known as Dypsis lutescens is a beautiful plant with a reed like stems and narrow pointed, ‘pinnate’ bright green leaves. This is a native species of Madagascar, an island with high humidity off the east west Africa.

It is one of the best indoor plants for purifying the air as it absorbs harmful pollutants from the air. It also helps in strengthening the nervous system.

6. Tulsi


Tulsi also known as Ocimum tenuiflorum or holy basil is the native to the Indian subcontinent and grows throughout South east Asia. It is a small and short lived perennial shrub.

Tulsi plant is also known as the queen of herbs as it has several health benefits. This plant is a good source of Vitamins A, C and K and minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. It also helps to reduce the effects of stress like sleeplessness, depression, and nervousness. Basil also has anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral properties which helps in immunity boosting. It is a symbol of purity and removes toxins like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide. It also cures headache, common cold and stomach discomfort.

Read: 8 Indoor Plants That Symbolize Love

Final Words for Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants

In conclusion, with rising the level of air pollution, it is necessary to improve the quality of air we breathe. It is almost impossible to avoid the pollution and toxic substances but we can still make sure the sufficient supply of clean air and oxygen with indoor plants. From these 6 most oxygen producing indoor plants, choose yours to decorate your room.

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