Moving Ahead With CORONA: To Ease Our Lives
Sandip Sapkota
World is bearing unprecedented effects of COVID-19 in every sector. This pandemic compelled people to stay at home. Almost all governments and people all over the world were convinced in going for lockdown to contain the virus as suggested by health experts in earlier phase. But nowadays, people are fed up with the continued closure of essential functions. Here arises a question: how long we need to stay by stopping all socioeconomic activities?
With last 3 months being under lockdown, upper class and upper middle class seems almost with no harm for daily life operation. But lower classes of the society are pushed into more vulnerable situation as their daily life is becoming harder to sustain. As small entrepreneurs and labourers see no income in the closure period, fulfilling basic needs has become more challenging.
Lockdown no more remains only option to contain the virus. Relaxation of it has become inevitable now even though new cases are increasing rapidly. At starting phase, lockdown deemed necessary as it was of foreign origin. Sealing border along with restricting flight was preliminary way to stop influx of virus from abroad.
In Nepal, measures of lockdown were neither implemented fully by the government authorities nor obeyed by public. Despite being first such experience of lockdown, concerned agencies seemed lethargic for strict implementation of the measures. Open border with India became another major challenge to cope up. Large numbers of migrants working in India were eager to come home with their job being halted there. Due to poor coordination between authorities of two countries, unmanaged flow of migrants from both side led to chaos. The major cause of exponentially increasing cases became poor handling of influx of Nepalese from India.

At present, voices are raised from various sectors to ease the lockdown. As the world is moving forward tackling the virus, there is no doubt we also need to operate our activities being cautious. By maintaining social distance and using protective tools, we should open our economy with prioritizing its sectors. Our policy makers should focus on ground level economic activities as major concern is of labourers and daily wage earners.
It is not like that world had not faced any such pandemic in past, but it is true that this level of crisis is unprecedented. That does not mean we should always keep ourselves away from any outside activities till virus fades away. There is no certainty of till when this virus remains and how many people should lose their life. Therefore, we cannot ignore all other aspects of our living by solely focusing on the virus. Experts are warning saying more people will lose their life from other diseases and from starvation than COVID if this way of complete lockdown remains more.
Many manmade and natural causes are bringing different nature of diseases on the earth. We should move ahead by adjusting ourselves with such crisis. We can change our habit but we cannot remain isolated all the time just because of a virus.
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We should prepare our-self to be in a living relationship with virus.
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